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Found 7177 results for any of the keywords katavi national park. Time 0.017 seconds.

Katavi National Park is a Tanzanian national park created in 1974 and is located in Katavi Region, Tanzania. It is a very remote park that is less frequently visited than other Tanzanian national parks. -- Wikipedia

Katavi National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

Isolated, untrammelled and seldom visited, Katavi is a true wilderness, providing the few intrepid souls who make it there with a thrilling taste of Africa as it must have been a century ago. Tanzania s third largest nat - Details - Similar

Arusha National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

The closest national park to Arusha town – northern Tanzania s safari capital – Arusha National Park is a multi-faceted jewel, often overlooked by safarigoers, despite offering the opportunity to explore a beguiling dive - Details - Similar

Mkomazi National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

The area was proposed to be up graded into a National Park status so as to regain wildlife population and secure their land from other incompatible uses. - Details - Similar

Ruaha National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

The game viewing starts the moment the plane touches down. A giraffe races beside the airstrip, all legs and neck, yet oddly elegant in its awk wardness. A line of zebras parades across the runway in the giraffe s wake. - Details - Similar

Serengeti National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

A million wildebeest each one driven by the same ancient rhythm, fulfilling its instinctive role in the inescapable cycle of life: a frenzied three-week bout of territorial conquests and mating; survival of the fittest - Details - Similar

Tarangire National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

Day after day of cloudless skies. The fierce sun sucks the moisture from the landscape, baking the earth a dusty red, the withered grass asbrittle as straw. The Tarangire River has shrivelled to a shadow of its wet seaso - Details - Similar

Mikumi National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

Swirls of opaque mist hide the advancing dawn. The first shafts of sun colour the fluffy grass heads rippling across the plain in a russet halo. A herd of zebras, confident in their camouflage at this predatory hour, pos - Details - Similar

Udzungwa National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

Brooding and primeval, the forests of Udzungwa seem positively enchanted: a verdant refuge of sunshine-dappled glades enclosed by 30-metre (100 foot) high trees, their buttresses layered with fungi, lichens, mosses and f - Details - Similar

Kilimanjaro National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

Kilimanjaro. The name itself is a mystery wreathed in clouds. It might mean Mountain of Light, Mountain of Greatness or Mountain of Caravans. Or it might not. The local people, the wachagga, don t even have a name for th - Details - Similar

Manyara National Park - Tanzania Parks Adventure

Stretching for 50km along the base of the rusty-gold 600-metre high Rift Valley escarpment, Lake Manyara is a scenic gem, with a setting extolled by Ernest Hemingway as the loveliest I had seen in Africa . - Details - Similar

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